A Unique Experience

The United Business Agency can connect you with Business People & Companies as well as to provide you with quality business opportunities.

We can help you find Investment projects & Business Opportunities, Businesses for sale, Real Estate Projects and Income Generating Assets for sale, Business & Networking Events, Fairs and Exhibitions all over the world.

What is it about?!

The United Business Agency have developed in the recent years, the first and most comprehensive international digital business matchmaking platform, where business people, investors and decision makers from all over the world can find new business partners & companies, investment and business opportunities for their company’s development and growth, as well as businesses for sale and real estate investment deals all over the world.

And this are some of our side projects. We are very proud of them!

Diplomacy360© Program aims to provide visionary leaders with kind of tools and methods they need to succeed in the 21st Century.

Diplomacy360 is an International Program & Collaborative Peace Supporting Platform that enlighten the links between Diplomacy and other domains & global topics that can be better addressed by all countries’ cooperation.

More details about the Diplomacy360 Program here!

Business Diplomacy © is part of the Diplomacy360 © Program, and aims to transfer diplomacy skills to business.

Remarkable in terms of goals and an outstanding agenda, the program – in the fourth edition phase, addresses to the same extent business people, managers and decision-makers in Romanian or international companies as well as other experts in international relations. Last but not least, Business Diplomacy is also being of interest to diplomats and civil servants working in business-related and diplomatic fields.

More details about the Business Diplomacy Program here!

More than 5000 members worldwide and over 10000 opportunities and business requests!

These are some of our members requests:

[drts-directory-view directory="opportunity"]

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